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Software Directory, SaaS Directory, Software Tools DirectoriesCurated list of the top software and tools for your diverse business needs.
MoMagic | Programmatic Ad Platform for Publisher AdvertisersMoMagic is the best programmatic advertisement platform that helps businesses to target their audience and grow revenue from ad campaigns.
ibi delivers a modern data and analytics software platform that helpsLearn more about the new ibi product offerings! Read the platform announcement blog
Digital Marketing Platform | How To Start a Marketing AgencyDigital marketing platform that helps marketers build agencies with white label digital marketing services, branding and lead generation.
Powerful Booking Software, Unmatched Support | FareHarborFareHarbor is the all-in-one booking solution and business management platform that helps you operate your tours, activities, attractions and rentals.
CharityGivingCharityGiving is a platform that helps organizations accept secure donations anytime, anywhere, on any device. It includes everything a charity needs to increase fundraising.
CollegeNexa: Colleges, Exams, Counselling, Forms, Admission.CollegeNexa is an education Guidance platform that helps students navigate their path to college admissions in India. It covers various courses across...
About HubSpot | HubSpot’s StoryFounded in Boston in 2006 as marketing software, today HubSpot is a complete customer platform that helps millions of businesses grow around the world.
MoMagic | App Web User Engagement Platform for PublisherMoMagic provides a user engagement platform that helps businesses build stronger relationships with their users, which lead to retention and satisfaction.
Cosmetic Ingredient Database, Cosmetic Formulation Software | Freyr iRFreyr iREADY is a technology based Cosmetic Ingredient Database platform that helps Cosmetic manufacturers in cosmetics ingredients and management of product formulae in global markets.
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